Word for mac 2018 wildcards
Word for mac 2018 wildcards


The below procedure will print out all occurances of “Find Me” phrases.ĭebug.Print "Found: " & Selection.Range 'Print the found matchīelow VBA macro will find all emails in a Word document with their mailto hyperlinks. You can also execute a Find and Replace sequence using a VBA Macro: Find a single match This allows us to reference the first part of the email by using the backslash and number \1. However below an example that will replace this automatically:Īll Expressions () are numbered by the sequence in which they are used. If you didn’t know Expressions you would use wildcards to find a match an manually replace all such cases. Imagine you want to replace an email domain from yahoo to gmail on all emails in your Word document. Something else 678-345 Example: Replace Email domain The resulting Text: Some text 456-123, some other text 012-789. Let us assume we want to switch places of these two 3-digit numbers. In this example we have a pattern of numbers separated by hyphens. Below a simple example: Example: Switch places of 2 numbers Expressions let you mark a specific group in the “Find what” text field, that you want to reuse in your “Replace with” text field. In some cases you will want to not only capture a pattern but replace it with part of its content. Using Wildcards to Capture and Replace text


Match a phone number split with hyphens above matches any 3 series of digits separated by hyphens. Finally notice again I am using to indicate the beginning or end of a word as emails are not separated by spaces. We use the similar patter for the domain name. To use the character explicitly we need to escape it with a backslash \. Again the bracket specifies we are listing several ranges of acceptable characters, following this with the characters tells that any number of these characters may appear. This matches only emails with A-z letters and 0-9 numbers in their login and domain name. Lastly the character indicates that the previous expression may repeat 0 to any number of times. The brackets indicate a series of characters, using the hyphen allows you specify the whole range of A-z letters. Let us explore some example common scenarios below: Match any word made of A-Z characters, any letter case matches any single word that contains A-z letters. On the right you should see all available wildcard characters.įor more information on Special Characters that can be used in Wildcard Find and Replace read this To use wilcards click More > and select the Use wilcards checkbox. You can also you wildcards to replace various complex patterns such as sequences of numbers or specific number of occurances, letter cases, characters use to replace any characters and much more. Especially that many users do not know that you can easily use wildcards to replace more complex text patterns. Provide a word/sentence you want to Find in the Find what text field and the word/sentence you want to replace it with in the Replace with text field.īelow and explanation of key buttons used to Find or Replace text:Īlthough Find and Replace is a basic and very easy to use function it is often underestimated. Provide a word, sentence and/or wildcard special characters Ignore white-space characters – will ignore white-space ( ” “).Ignore punctuation characters – will ignore punctionation.Match suffix – match text matching a suffixof a word.Match prefix – match text matching a prefix of a word.“doyle” will also match “doyl” as it sounds similar) Find all word forms – matches all words/sentences that match a word form (e.g.Sounds like – matches expressions that sound like provided text.Use wildcards – allows you to use wildcards (click the Special button for list of wildcard special characters that can be used.Find whole words only – will only find whole words (if looking for “ate” will only match ” ate “ and not “late”).Match case – will only find words/sentences that match the letter case (e.g.


If you click More > you will see the full set of options below: You can also use the CTRL+ F keyboard shortcut to Find and the CTRL+ H keyboard shortcut to do a Find and Replace.

Word for mac 2018 wildcards